Solid Foundation Charity

Bear Family

Gemperle Family

... even if we can't change the whole world, we want to do our part to make the world better for a few children.....

We are two families who, "randomly", sow into the needs of the children's home and have noticed that we can achieve much with relatively little. We don't just want to think: "someone should do something here". We want to do something. Even if we can't change the whole world, we want to do our part to make the world a better place for a few children. With our commitment, perseverance, enthusiasm for planning and a lot of love, we want to expand this charity further. Will you also participate?

November 2020 Fusion with Charity PMCO Germany

In August 2020 did we get to know Thomas Bleile from german Charity PMCO. PMCO is working already since two years at the same place in Mityana Uganda. Because of the fact that we have exactly the same vision did both Charity decide to fusion. Together are we faster and able to combine synergy and resources.


Mityana is located 63 km from Kampala, the capital of Uganda. That is where you will find the children's home with 116 children in it today. Many of them are orphans or half-orphans. The children's home gives them a roof over their heads, offers them food and the opportunity to attend school. In addition, the children experience acceptance and security -things that would be denied to them in life on the street.

The children are between the ages of 4 and 17. After that, they have to stand on their own two feet.

Tasks on site


Children can attend primary school for 7 years on the home's grounds. Good students are then given a scholarship and are allowed to attend a foreign high school in the region for 4 years. The school at the home is also attended by many foreign children. 6 teachers are employed to teach the children.


Depending on the situation, the children have breakfast and two hot meals when things go well. If money is scarce, they have to survive on one meal a day, which is usally oatmeal. Here we want to intervene and ensure that regular food supply is guaranteed and also that a little variety comes into the nutrition. Meat has only been available once a year, at Christmas time.


We are concerned about physical health, mental well-being and social contact. Only covering all these areas will lead to sustainable health.

Water supply is also a major issue. At present, the children have to hike 6km daily, morning and evening, 6 km to the nearest water point. The water is transported in buckets and containers which they have to carry on foot themselves or transport by bicycle.

A home

In Uganda, half of the population is under the age of 14. 2.7 million children are orphans. Many of them live on the streets. We want to offer such children a roof over their heads and also create a place where they can experience love and acceptance.

Tasks here in Switzerland


We are looking for donors who regularly support the project with a sum of money. Of course, one-off donations are also welcome. The money is sent regularly and the use is checked.

Organization & Planning

The individual projects must be planned and implemented carefully. Many things do not work as easily as in Europe. A lot of information needs to be obtained. Investigations on the ground must be made. Frequent and regular communication with the team on site must take place, assignments must be planned, budgets must be drawn up. Authorities need to be informed, etc. There is much to do.


Through various events and activities of the association "Solid Foundation Charity" further money is to be realized for the projects. In addition, the association also conducts information events throughout Switzerland and tries to draw attention to the project in media reports.

Contacts & Network

A network of Donators is to be established. In addition, contacts with other associations and organisations with a similar purpose are sought in order to exchange experiences and benefit from mutual know-how.

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